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Why we wanted to go Fastter and how you can too, introducing branded MVNO.

In our first blog post we wanted to give you an insight into how Fastter came about and why we're passionate about creating mobile experiences for Australia's most trusted brands.

For too long it's been too difficult, costly and complex for businesses to sell gigabytes to their customers. Anyone who has tried knows how painful and drawn out the process can be to become an MVNO. They don't make it easy.

At Fastter we wanted to change that - we strongly believe that it should be as easy to sell your customers gigabytes as it is to sell them insurance, a streaming service, a mortgage or even health cover.

We'd even go as far as to say it should be as simple as buying a t-shirt online; and it's our mission to make it so.

The fact is your customers are buying their connectivity from someone else when they should be buying it from you.

Traditional ways of creating a a telco vertical go something like this: Around $5 Million dollars in establishment costs and opex, 15 months of painful network negotiations and a complex web of up to 5 different vendors to even get to market.

Then there is the cumbersome regulatory, legal and compliance burdens.

That's why we've take an agency approach that brings mobile brands alive with USP's you won't find anywhere else and a consumer centric obsession that always strips away the tech talk to focus on UX and brand amplification.

You see the founders of Fastter have extensive media backgrounds and know what it takes to craft brand narratives that cut through. By democratising telco and making branded mobile a pillar of your marketing strategy Fastter is changing the perception of an everyday utility.

You should be able to sell the gigabytes your customers need to engage with your brand - the Fastter pathway lets you do it with a simple rev share model - we take care of everything and you can focus on simply offering your customers a better value mobile plan.

We look forward to sharing more of what we're up to here on our website but for now..

Who's ready to go Fastter?

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