It's not you. It's me.
We've grown apart, lost the spark, and I think it's best we move on.
Apart from creating an obvious barrier to understanding, acronyms like MVNO do a terrible job of selling the many benefits connectivity experiences bring to a product suite.
That's why, at, we've ditched the term and broken up with an acronym loved by so many.
We've parked the jargon because, more often than not, it's a turn-off for the telco curious.
The average person on the street couldn’t tell you what a mobile virtual network operator is, let alone how many gigabytes of mobile data they use each month.
They will tell you how much they pay, that they'd like to pay less, and that if they were offered a discount on their mobile service from their insurer, bank, or even their favorite pharmacy, they'd take it.
Embedded connectivity experiences offer immense potential for brands to engage more frequently and intimately with their customers. However, even getting to that point has been time-consuming and costly for too many businesses.
At Fastter, we’ve simplified the process:
We're not saying we’re reinventing the telco wheel, but we are giving it some slick new racing tires, shiny new rims, and a fast new vehicle to drive the same result.
In a former life, I was a consumer affairs reporter and producer whose brief was to deliver 'news you could use,' keep viewers engaged, and most importantly, loyal to the network's news bulletins.
It’s an approach we're now applying to telco.
We’re all in on loyalty and are doubling down on branded mobile’s place in a customer retention strategy.
When it comes to business, we know it’s much more cost-effective to keep a customer than to acquire a new one, and offering them a great-value branded mobile plan goes a long way in keeping them within your ecosystem for longer.
It’s been said that telco is having a moment in Australia, and more specifically, branded mobile is leading the charge.
A recent Venture Insights report touched on this very point when it stated that, in Australia, price competition is now 'too tough to cover the fixed costs of a standalone mass-market operation.'
The report highlighted two alternatives:
Niche operations that command a price premium in a small segment and adjacent market operators that can amortize fixed costs, like marketing and distribution, across an existing brand and retail network.
It's the latter where we are seeing a surge in interest.
Insurance brands, health providers, banks, motoring groups, and credit unions all have bold ambitions to drive loyalty by offering their customers better-value mobile plans than the major telcos.
We’ve taken it to the next level: $0 upfront, zero risk.
Our solution provides a fast track to launching branded mobile experiences, delivering loyalty benefits from day one, with a revenue-sharing model that ensures financial returns for our partners and genuine savings for customers.
It should be just as easy to brand mobile plans as it is to private label a Visa or Mastercard.
Now, with Fastter, it is.